
 别名:未知  性别:女  地区:英国  身高:165cm  体重:未知  星座:未知  血型:未知  生日:2002年8月30日  出生地区:英格兰曼彻斯特沃思利

  拉菲·卡西迪(Raffey Cassidy),这个脸上有点小雀斑,笑起来特别甜美可爱的13岁小演员来自英国曼彻斯特的沃思利,因出演《白雪公主和猎人》(饰“Young Snow White”)和《黑暗阴影》(饰“Young Angelique”)而被大家所了解  拉菲是因一次偶然的机会而走上了演艺之路,那时年幼的她去片场看望她的哥哥芬尼,却意外地被要求参加试镜,更意外的是最后她得到了一个角色。拉菲的首次荧幕亮相是7岁那年在电视电影《西班牙流感:被遗忘的堕落》中饰演一个叫“艾伦”的小女孩。2年后,她又在BBC电视剧《布林克班大街32号》中参演了一个角色。2012年,拉菲出演了蒂姆·伯顿的电影《黑暗阴影》,在片中扮演“年轻的安吉丽”,紧接着,她和查理兹·塞隆一起出演了《白雪公主与猎人》。2013年,年仅11岁的她成为了《国际银幕》(Screen International)杂志“明日之星”有史以来最年轻的获奖演员。2015年,拉菲出演了迪士尼电影《明日世界》中的重要角色“雅典娜(Athena)”,这是她演艺生涯的一次突破性表演,她在片中所扮演的“雅典娜”展现出了令人惊艳的形象和演技,赢得了全球的广泛好评。同时,此片也给她带来了很高的人气,让她收获了不少粉丝。  与她相关:  【瞳孔颜色:海蓝色】  【身高:4英尺11英寸(1.5米)】  【在《明日世界》专访中她说:我觉的“雅典娜”这个角色有点像忍者,并且我十分喜欢为扮演她所学习的驾驶和武术课程。】  【"Raffey is spectacular and she was just 12 at the time, I think, and way too talented, for her age, and sweet and funny."  ——by 乔治·克鲁尼(《明日世界》饰“弗兰克·沃克”)】  【"Raffey played mom a lot, especially with George and I. She was constantly just trying to keep us focused. Funny enough, that's how she is in life too, and not intentionally but she's so professional and so focused herself. I oftentimes would look over and be like, 'Oh, yeah, okay, right. This is what we're doing. This is what we're doing.' We had so much fun together and we had such a great time. We spent a lot of time together just between stunt training and then, obviously, filming the movie. So I think our dynamic off screen probably helped a lot of our chemistry on screen as well."  ——by 布丽特妮·罗伯森(《明日世界》饰“凯茜·牛顿”)】  【"Had the pleasure to edit these information for her. She is both stunning and talented. As a Rising Star, as well as my goddess, I believe she will achieve great success in her acting career. Raffey, Bless you and your amazing blue eyes!"——by 八度蓝爵(拉菲的一个忠实fans)】  ——Written by Raffey Cassidy herself(当然不是呢), take or repost at will.

